Klang Festtagkonzerte im Hotel Zürichberg mit Geigen


When: until
Hotel Zürichberg

Over the festive season, four varied concert programmes with different instrumentation and various timbres will be performed above the rooftops of Zurich.

Concert 1 - Opening evening
Friday, 27. December 2024, 18.00 Uhr

Concert 2
Saturday, 28. December 2024, 18.00 Uhr

Concert 3
Sunday, 29. December 2024, 18.00 Uhr

Concert 4
Monday, 30. December 2024, 18.00 Uhr

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zwei Personen die Querflöte spielen

Regula & Maho chamber music concert

When: 16.02.2025 - 11:00

Rejoice in a rousing concert with pianist Maho Yamada and her duo partner. Since 2011, the duo has been delighting audiences with varied programmes that combine musical virtuosity and diversity.